What I Know About Forgiveness
Tonight begins Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.
It’s a day of reflection.
A day of gratitude.
A day of forgiveness.
We ask for forgiveness from others, from G-d, and perhaps hardest of all, from ourselves.
Here’s one thing I know about forgiveness-
If you can’t find it for yourself, it will be damn hard to forgive others or even receive it from those who try to forgive you.
So if there’s anyone in your life that you’re struggling to forgive… ask yourself, what am I not forgiving myself for? Where am I not having grace and compassion for myself for being human?
As I go into Yom Kippur, I’m thinking of the people I feel I didn’t always do right by, I’m thinking of the people who I offended without even knowing it, I’m thinking of the people who I felt offended by and releasing any resentment towards them…. and I’m thinking of all the ways I let myself down.
We’ve all let ourselves down in one way or another because we’re human.
So to anyone I may have hurt, offended or just didn’t show up for as my best self - I ask for your forgiveness.
And for myself… I ask for grace for all the ways I didn’t live up to my own expectations, for when I neglected my own needs so that I couldn’t show up in the best way for others, and for all of the times I’ve been needlessly hard on myself.
We’re all human. We don’t get through this one amazing life without hurting others or ourselves… the way to move forward is with awareness, and with love and compassion.
To all who are fasting - have an easy fast!
G’mar Chatima Tova
May you all find the forgiveness you need for yourself so you can show up and make your greatest impact.
P.S. I’m a music industry impact coach and if forgiveness is something you struggle with - I would love to help you. I see in so many of my clients how holding on to resentment, grudges and hurt (there’s a lot of it in this industry!) holds them back from doing amazing things in their career and in their lives. Send me a note and let’s set up a time to chat.