What Seeds Are You Planting?

I’m a few days late on this post…. but hey, we can’t all have perfect timing all of the time, right?!

Monday was both Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat - the day on the Jewish calendar that we celebrate and show our appreciation for the trees.

I was thinking about how meaningful it was that these two celebrations coincided this year and found this perfect quote from MLK Jr.

MLK Jr. has been a figure that’s loomed large over me since early childhood as a symbol of progress, change, peace and understanding. To me he represented that the biggest impact we can have in the world comes from love and connection, not hate and division.

What I teach my clients (and work on every day myself) is that the results that we create in the world are a reflection of our thoughts and feelings. If we’re using thoughts rooted in negativity, that is going to be reflected in our work and creations. But if it’s fueled with love, understanding and connection - that is what will show up in the world and will always have a bigger impact.

So if the results we create are the trees that the world sees…. we need to make sure that we’re planting those trees with the right seeds. 

On Saturday I, along with the Jewish community all over the world and especially this country, have been reminded once again what happens when seeds of hate are planted.

We must make the conscious choice every day to plant seeds of love. That is the only solution.

P.S. I’m working on something for all of you with some tangible tips in how you can increase the impact you want to have in the world - get on my email list so you don’t miss it! Link is on the contact page.

P.P.S. Tree doodle is courtesy of niece who I won’t tag here because she’ll get mad at me. She thought it was awful.. I thought it was beautiful!

P.P.P.S (are you allowed to have 3 P’s?!)… if you’re a mission-driven person working in the music industry and you want to have the greatest impact you can have in the world - I’ve got you. Send me a note to book a consult and chat about my 1:1 coaching.

Civia Caroline