A Walking Contradiction

I’m a rock and roll chick… ready to take on the world and burn sh*t down.
I’m also an indie folk chick… wanting to stay in my little cocoon and do some deep inner reflection.
I’m a bit pop… I just want to dance it out and have fun.

I’m a woman full of paradoxes and seeming contradictions.

I’m progressive and want to see positive change in our world and our systems… and I’m also a traditionalist who loves preserving parts of our world and heritage.

I’m deeply spiritual and put a lot of value on faith and the unknowable… and I also believe in science and often look for evidence and hard facts.

I’m a high achiever with big ideas and big goals that energize me… and sometimes I’m “lazy” and just feel like watching Netflix for days at a time.

I’m an introvert who needs a lot of alone time and space… and I love spending time with friends or being in a crowd at a big concert or event.

None of us are all just one thing.

We are complex creatures and all have parts of ourselves that seem like they contradict and shouldn’t be able to coexist.

But they can. And they do.

Your strength comes when you can learn to love and embrace ALL parts of you. Even the parts that you may judge as “negative.”

They’re all part of the complex fabric that makes you YOU. That makes you uniquely able to have the impact you are here to have.

I’m here to help you stop judging yourself for the very things that are there to teach you and guide you so you can have your greatest impact.

I’m here to help you recognize and embrace all of it.

Because all parts of you are important and are there FOR you.

If you’re ready to live into that next level you… let’s get on a call and talk about how we can work together through my 1:1 coaching program.

The world needs you… ALL of you.

Civia Caroline