Highs & Lows

I don’t know about you… but I’m feeling ALL the feels lately.

This week is all about highs and lows.











Not surprising that this week on the Jewish calendar is also about highs and lows. Today was Yom HaZikaron, the day of remembrance for Israel’s fallen soldiers and terror victims - all 28,284 of them. It serves as a reminder of the cost of freedom and self-determination. Tomorrow we go right into Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the celebration of Israel’s independence and our return to self-determination in our indigenous homeland… with all of its complexities and challenges.

At the same time, this week’s news about Roe V. Wade has left so many of us feeling all of the lows. From sadness, hopelessness and despair to anger and utter outrage. It’s also been a reminder that our freedoms and our self-determination can never be taken for granted.

We always have to remember the sacrifices that come with freedom and just how fragile that freedom can be. We must be grateful for all of the people that fought for it, and continue to use our voices, our talents and our resources to keep fighting for it.

I’ve just been a ball of contrasting emotions. Gratitude for the rights that I’ve had for so long and probably taken for granted at times. And outrage at the idea of them being taken away. 

Purpose in my work as a music industry impact coach and seeing how important the inner work is to break down these systems of oppression. And despair when I think about how far we have to go.

All of these emotions have a place. All of these feelings are valid.

We must make room for ALL of them.

If we focus just on the anger - it may lead to some action, but will eventually end in burnout and not create the biggest impact. If we focus just on the gratitude, we may feel better for a bit but it won’t lead to lasting change.

Real impact comes when we understand the role that each emotion plays and allow them all to help propel us forward. We can’t take positive action if we don’t allow the negative emotions to exist.

What are your highs and lows this week? Are you making space for all of them?

Civia Caroline