Liberation is a Mindset First
Every year as Passover approaches, I think more and more about the concept of freedom and liberation.
So I wanted to share some thoughts I’ve been pondering on lessons we can ALL, Jewish or not, learn from this Jewish story.
The story of Passover is really the national origin story of the Jewish people. While we were a tribal people unified by a common faith, it was our redemption from slavery in Egypt, the acceptance of the Torah 50 days later, and those 40 years in the desert that ultimately brought us to be a sovereign nation in our land.
And to this day, some 3000 years later, while the face of Jewish identity has changed and taken on many forms, we still come together with our families and communities every year on Passover to re-tell our national story.
Contrary to what many think, Judaism is not just a faith and does not conform to our modern understanding of religion, nationality, or race. The best modern term we have is that we are an ethnoreligion- but even that doesn’t paint the whole picture. We are a people that have been oppressed and dispersed throughout our history - and yet our origin story and our faith unites us as one people. (Yes, sometimes divided in ideology, politics and expressions of faith and identity - but still one people encompassing many races and sub-ethnicities).
While we’ve survived despite all odds, there have been so many tragedies and difficulties along the way.
And today, we face rising hatred in the US and around the world. Our homeland is at a critical point fighting for her identity and future against the threat of, not only external forces, but an internal force that is driven by power rather than the values of democracy.
So how is it that as a people, we have been able to not just survive, but thrive? We are less than 1% of the world population, less than 2.5% of the population in the US- and yet we’ve made such a huge impact in industries and movements across the world - music, entertainment, science, law, civil rights and so much more.
Antisemites will claim there’s a conspiracy and a secret cabal that explains this.
But we know that’s just hatred, not truth.
There are so many reasons and ways to understand this. But I think one of those lies in the story of Passover.
We were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. When God sent Moses to take us out, we couldn’t go directly to Israel to be a sovereign nation. We needed those 40 years in the desert to work on our mindset - to truly become liberated and understand the work and responsibility that is required for true liberation.
The journey to Israel from Egypt is really not that far. I’ve personally stood on the border in Israel and looked out and saw Egypt in the distance. This was not a journey of distance and space- it was a journey of an internal mindset and spiritual transformation.
We needed almost an entire generation to transform ourselves from the mindset of an enslaved people to the mindset of a free people.
And it was not an easy journey. It required hard work, a lot of mistakes, and a lot of faith.
So while we may be a free people, who have finally, despite all odds, come back to decolonize our homeland and become a sovereign people once again, we can never take that for granted. And we don’t.
We have constant modern reminders, and the struggle for liberation lives in our DNA. We have an innate understanding of the work it takes to truly become free and that it’s not a one time job.
And that’s why I believe so many of us understand how important it is to fight not only for our own liberation, but for the liberation of ALL people.
But it always has to start in our minds first.
When we’re doing the work to find liberation in our own minds- then, and only then, can liberation from systems of inequality, and all forms of oppression follow.
So whether you are Jewish or not, celebrating Passover or not, my hope is that you can tap into the energy of this time in the year and commit to the ongoing work of internal liberation and freedom.
That’s how we set everyone free to live their most authentic, and full lives.
Happy Passover!
Chag Sameach!
P.S. True, lasting impact in the world begins with your own internal liberation. Music can change the world- but it has to start with the people making it, selling it and working with it to work on freeing themselves first from their own limitations.
If you want some more personalized help and guidance to find true liberation- so that you can have the greatest impact you’re meant to have in this world- let’s chat! Send me an email or click here to find out more about my 1:1 coaching for artists and music industry professionals.