Shame Shuts Sh*t Down

Shame Shuts Shit Down!

My coach said this to me on a recent call and I gasped. Shiitttt…..

Here’s the thing… we all experience shame. If you’re a human living on this planet - you experience shame. 

But nothing useful is ever created from it.

We think that by shaming ourselves it’ll motivate us to do better. But the opposite is true. It shuts us down.

So how do we change it?

Not by ignoring it, not by avoiding any situations that might make us feel it… but by shining a light on it and answering it with compassion and self love.

Here’s one little tip that I found useful for myself:

Notice the 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙨 in your thoughts.

Every time I hear myself saying “I should….” that is a red flag that shame is about to rear its ugly head.

Catch those shoulds and just pause. Question and challenge the thought… and then turn it around to something more useful.

If you want to increase your impact in the world through your work - it starts with changing your relationship with yourself and turning those shame causing shoulds around.

Civia Caroline